Sunday, February 8, 2009

Now you see it, now you don't

So we did end up taking Rocklin to get his hair cut this weekend, however, we went to this cute little kids haircutting place and they wanted $17 to cut his hair! Call me cheap, but there was no way I was going to pay that, plus tip, just to cut off a small amount of hair. So when we got home, we took matters into our own hands. Especially with the rat tail...

He still needs the top and sides trimmed, but it already looks a lot better than it did before.
(Oh, and someone asked if that is a picture of Adam when he was younger - the kid with the mullet in the last post - and while that is hilarious, I'm sad to say no, that is just a random picture I found on Google Images.)


Judy and Mike said...

Adam did a great job cutting his hair. Rocklin is so cute.

Jody said...

WOW, now he looks like a little man!! We need to see hin from the front now.

McB's said...

Oh did the place happen to be by the Santan mall and could it have been called Snipits? Ya, that's exactly where i took Kassidy, just for a trim, and came out paying $20.00 including tip, YIKES, never again cuz she could have cared less about videos and padded colored chairs!

LAURA said...

cute! we started cuttin Ethan's hair last month...just too stinkin expensive to get it cut at the kiddie places, I agree.

Riewerts' said...

I don't know - I think Rocklin could have brought back the tail!!! What a babe...

Sarah Young said...

So cute! Your mom said you were going to turn Amanda loose on him! Good thinking!