Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Special Request

I'm posting this video at the special request of Rocklin's Grammy (my Mom) because she wanted to see him walking. Enjoy, Grammy (and anyone else who wants to see 15 seconds of my kid in action)!


Sarah Young said...

Okay, I did just watch that four times in a row. That kid is so stinkin' cute, I just want to eat his belly!

Unknown said...

Holy Crap...he is walking and he is so freaking cute! Dang girl, you make pretty babies ;)

Adam Young said...

I just watched it four times too!!! And yes, ya'll to make cute babies....make another one. :)

Adam Young said...

ya'll do*

Jody said...

OK, I've got you all beat...I have watched it no less than 15 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That smile cracks me up..Hugs and kisses from Grammy...

Justin Young said...

i watched it once.

the kid was just trying to turn on the television to watch the Cardinals.

he's smart.

Barb McLean said...

Kristen...he is so adorable! I'm not even his grammy and I had to watch it several times. What a ham!