Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Can anyone please share with me how to add the feature on your blog that shows when the last time someone updated their blog? I found something - but it makes you add your links one at a time. Can I do it all at once? Does that make sense? Thanks. I'm tired of blog stalking just to find out there aren't any updates. :)


Alison said...

You guessed it, I'm pretty sure you have to add them all one at a time. That's what I did anyway, so if there's another way, I'll be pretty mad! It's worth it, though!

Wendy said...

When you are in the "Configure Blog List" window, you can check different boxes under the "Show" tab. I select "Title of most recent item" and "Date of last update." I didn't have to enter them one-by-one for it to take effect this way. I hope that works for you.

Sarah Young said...

I had to redo mine one at a time! Sigh... but it was worth the work!

Erica said...

One at a time...BUT don't make the same mistake that I did by accidentally deleting the list before moving them over! Agree with the others that it's worth it.

Ezra said...

You need to start using Google Reader. You put blog you read into it once then it Bolds the ones that have new posts. Down side to this is that you don't ever really go to the blog itself.