If you know me even the slightest, you know that I'm not the rugged type. I'd rather doing marathon shopping rather than run a marathon. I'd rather hike through the outlet mall rather than hike up a mountain. But today we wanted to get out and do something "active." We opted for hiking South Mountain with some of Adam's side of the family. Bless their hearts, they would get to the top and then wait for me because I was "that girl" that had to stop and sit and experience near-death like conditions before getting up and attempting to hike the next 20 feet before breaking again. Seriously, I was so proud that I didn't die. And yes, even my little 6, 7 and 8 year old nieces and nephews were making it to the top before me.
I am sure some of you may disagree with me, but this is just not pretty scenery to me. Maybe I live in the wrong state, because I just can't get excited about the "desert terrain" where I live. I think I'm just missing my GA trees today. I'm sure that going hiking when I'm a) super out of shape and b) hotter than h-e-double-hockey-sticks outside, probably doesn't help.
Well, while I don't think it's "pretty" I did think this picture of this cactus I took turned out pretty cool looking. (This picture was taken at the end of the hike when I felt pretty sure I was no longer going to die at this point).
Here's some of the crew just chillin at the top.
I'm SO proud of you Krissy!!!! See, you never know what you can do until you try it. Ok, so lets talk about that marathon, HA !!!!! At least Adam didn't have to carry you and Rocklin!! Way to go!
Kristen...WOW! There is no way in *&$% I would have gone hiking in the heat of Arizona! You are a trooper. At least in Georgia we have the trees to shade us as a companion to the humidity! I'll stick with the lake for my nature experiences!
Good for you for trying! Hiking is not my first choice of fun but it does feel good to accomplish it :) I agree, not such a pretty sight but oh well. You guys look cute doing it right? lol
It's too hot to do this!! You need to go at sun up! I'm proud of you though. Drink lots of water and don't worry about taking your time. Like the saguaro picture.
Well I personally am very proud of you! And no you didn't look too much like a tomato! :)
This is hard evidence that you love Adam.
WAY TO GO KRISTEN!!! Your a Rock Star! I am the same, I would rather be inside shopping than outside hiking with bugs and heat and ewww I don't know how you did it! But good for you!
Looks like fun but HOT!
Good work! I have had my days of being in shape, and I actually like hiking, but right now I am such a slacker! I huff and puff pushing the stroller to the neighborhood playground!
I should have known that is what you all did yesterday. It sounds like it would have been too hot for me...good job for doing it!
Fantastic, great job, to you!! I met my husband backpacking so I have wonderful conotations associated with the word "hiking". It's funny to see the Arizona landscape. It kind of looks like the moon when combared to the Smokey Mountains where I went hiking with a friend and kids last weekend.(where we went with your parents doing 9 miles last Aug. Yeah for us!!!) You will have to go sometime. All the trees keep you shaded and it is so lush and gorgeous. We didn't see a bear this time but did run into a moose. Hope you get to enjoy some mountains while you are here in Georgia. Hey did you ever do anything about those wind chimes?
Amen to the ugly landscape sista! I'm a Georgia girl to the core and I think Phoenix is the armpit of the country. Well, and maybe El Paso, TX. We did a small "hike" at Boyce Thompson Arboretum (near Superior) and that was totally doable. You guys should go there next time - the trail is super easy if you go left at the fork - going right means going uphill. It's actually "pretty" there and they have a small lake and a children's garden. Much better scenery than South Mountain. But I'm impressed that you stuck it out!
Last time I went hiking with the AZ Birkmeyer's all the little kids were waiting around often saying "why is Karie so slow?" "whats taking her so long"....and thats just a few. Those little niece' and nephew's are such troopers! Good job with making it to the top!!
hey! I love your pics! you guys look very happy, and the baby is sooooo big.. when will you make it out to TX again??
I am so with you about hiking! Right after I graduated Stephanie and I went and hiked the Y. I thought I was going to die! So I can relate to how you felt. That was the only mountain I ever hiked in Utah or anywhere else. It makes me appreciate the nice, flat plains of Texas!
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