Monday, October 26, 2009

Toddler bed

So now that Rocklin can make a quick escape out of his crib, we've had to take the front part of his crib off and transform it into a toddler bed. I was SO not ready for him not to be in a crib yet, but what do you do. I have to say, he is great at bedtime. We go in, say prayers, give kisses and he lays down and doesn't get out of his bed until morning. Nap time is a bit of another story...I usually have to go in a few times and remind him to lay down and go to sleep. He likes to sneak out of his bed and go over to his couch and hang out with all his toys and stuffed animals. The other day I found him in there asleep with his "crew" on his couch:

I took this picture last night. Rocklin had fallen asleep with a tight grip on his Cars bag that his Grammy and Gramps had given him a while back. He likes to be surrounded by "stuff" these days. He doesn't leave his room without his white and blue blankies and usually a stuffed animal in tow!


Simmons Family said...

AWWWW so cute!!! I still can't get Janalee to sleep in her bed most of the time. She likes to sleep on the floor most of the time right by the door. I can't believe how big he is getting.

Valerie: said...

That's pretty good he does not fall out of his bed with no railing! Sydney would still fall out if she did not have one. I guess she is one wild sleeper! HA

Miller Family said...

Glad to see he is doing well with the new bed. I'm a little nervous to do Elizabeth's, but I know the time is coming.

Jody said...

Has he fallen out of bed yet??

Wendy said...

My kids have those fun little couch beds too. They love them!
Rocklin is such a cute little guy! I'm happy for you that he is doing so well in his new big boy bed!